Workshops for Teaching Faculties

Almamater- Mumbai believes in a “one size does not fit all” policy, so we create tailored workshops for various International or domestic institutions be IGCSE, CBSE,ICSE or state board based schools on a variety of topics as per the needs of the teachers. The training programmes are interactive, activity-based, and case-based, keeping in mind the cross-influence of a child’s cognitive, social, and emotional learning in a heterogeneous classroom or online environment.


On successful completion of the workshop, attending faculties are awarded certificates by Almamater. Below is a sample outline of the course which can be customized based on the need.

Topics Covered

Due to a variety of issues, teachers are finding it increasingly challenging to successfully manage online or offline classrooms. A teacher may begin enthusiastically with wonderful ideas and plans, but owing to poor communication and behavior control, they are unable to implement them. The module examines how a teacher’s behavior affects and influences a classroom and students’ learning experiences.
Successful human learning does not always follow from effective teaching.
  • What variables facilitate or obstruct student learning?
  • What is the learner’s personality like?
The science of learning provides insights into effective instruction, classroom environments that promote learning, and the appropriate use of assessment, including data, tests, and measurement, as well as research methods that inform practice, by taking behavioral, motivational, cognitive, and social factors into account.
Effective educators know that they cannot use a “one-size-fits-all” approach to teaching and assessing students. Differentiated Instruction makes allowances for all individuals in the classroom to learn. It allows educators to be dynamic, considering the readiness, interests, and learning profiles of each of their individual learners.What methods can educators use to find out and analyze the needs of their students based on the readiness, interests, and learning profiles?
Knowing Languages is one of the most effective ways of interacting but becomes a barrier when individuals are judged based on their knowledge of the language. In this Topic we help the teachers to understand the importance of any language and make learning effective and engaging.
Visible How do educators know what their learners are thinking?
Assessment is such an integral part of our teaching process that often educators lose sight of why they assess. The fundamental purpose of assessment is to know what the student knows and to adapt teaching practices to address learning needs. Once this data is available it becomes possible to find ways to improve learning. So, simply put, assessment is meant for us to understand our learners’ learning. This workshop helps educators learn strategies to make teaching and learning interactive. Educators will discover ways to know pupils’ progress and difficulties so that they can adapt their work to meet their pupils’ ever-changing needs.
Structure is the key for smooth sailing
Learning is for Lifetime we help teachers understand continuous learning
Knowledge can no longer be compartmentalized and taught as distinct fields. According to research, educators are generally afraid to venture outside of their topic areas of expertise. In the twenty-first century, where disciplines are merging together with haste, this can have an impact on meaningful learning. This course will demonstrate teachers how to change their mindsets so that an interdisciplinary curriculum becomes ingrained in their teaching practices. The impact of such learning on pupils will be addressed through case studies. Through guided exercises, educators will gain firsthand experience with interdisciplinary unit preparation.

Customise Workshop for teaching Faculties

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