Hey there, I'm Vignesh S S!
- I’m currently working as a Data Scientist in Deloitte USI. Working in real time ML project for Healthcare client.
- Completed Microsoft Certified Azure Data Scientist Associate Microsoft Data Scientist
- Completed Certification in Microsoft as Microsoft Certified Azure AI Fundamentals AI Fundamentals
- Completed Certification in Microsoft as Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamentals Azure Fundamentals
- My previous employer is TCS-digital where my primary tasks is to build various ML POC under airlines and retail domains.
- Learning from Kaggle and Analytics Vidhya
- Actively writing blogs on Linkedin in Cloud_AI_Analytics.
- Sharing back to community through youtube on advanced techniques in cloud like Azure and ML and NLP related technologies through Cloud_AI_Analytics
- Actively learning and looking for better opportunities in Machine Learning and Bigdata technologies.
- Open for collaborations in Data Science and Machine Learning projects.
-> Scroll down to see my Pinned Repositories.
def vignesh_07():
skills_with_proficiency = {'Python': 'Advance', 'SQL & NoSQL': 'Intermediate', 'DSA': 'Intermidiate', 'Statistics' : 'Advance'}
tools = ['numpy', 'pandas', 'pyspark', 'sklearn', 'nltk','spacy' ,'matplotlib', 'seaborn', 'keras', 'flask', 'powerBI', 'pyspark', 'time series', 'devops', 'Bigdata technologies']
cloud_architecture = ['Microsoft Azure Services', ' Google Cloud Platform']
active_blogger = True
return cool
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