Create Google Cloud Storage Bucket Using CLI In Google Cloud Platform

you can refer on how to Create Google Cloud Storage Bucket Using UI/console In Google Cloud Platform here

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Using gsutil – command line (Cloud Shell)  Click on above icon and you can see shell similar to this opening up.

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Creating Google bucket using CLI:

To set your Cloud Platform project in this session use “gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]”

·       gcloud config set project bigquery-demo1-326311

·       gsutil –help

·       To list all in console just use “ls”.

·       Create a bucket

o  gsutil mb gs://demo02-bucket

If bucket name already exists we will get error code 409. 409 A Cloud Storage bucket named ‘demo02-bucket’ already exists. Try another name. Bucket names must be globally unique across all Google Cloud projects, including those outside of your organization.

Upload file from local to GCP cloud storage:

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·       Click on Upload button and you can choose file to upload into GCP. Here I selected health.json and patient.json file into Cloud storage from cloudshell.

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The same how it looks in GCP UI.

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·       Then to load the uploaded file into bucket created, follow below commands. To give global access to a file in a bucket

o   gsutil acl ch -u ALLUsers:R gs://demo02-bucket/patient.json

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·       Copy data from one bucket to another bucket. Error: AccessDeniedException: 403 Object ‘demo01-bucket/health.json’ is subject to bucket’s retention policy and cannot be deleted, overwritten or archived until 2021-09-30T02:01:14.331731-07:00

o  gsutil cp gs://demo01-bucket/* gs://demo02-bucket

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NOTE: If retention policy is present in bucket, you are likely to face this error “Error: 403, subject to bucket’s retention policy and cannot be deleted, overwritten or archived until 2021-09-30T02:01:14.33”

·       How to enable version in gsutil

o  gsutil versioning get gs://demo01-bucket

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NOTE: response: gs://demo01-bucket: Suspended (BadRequestException: 400 Bucket’s Versioning cannot be set for Bucket ‘demo01-bucket’ that has retention policy.)

·       Enabling the versioning in demo01-bucket

o  gsutil versioning set on gs://demo01-bucket

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·       To list all the files in the bucket

o  gsutil ls gs://demo02-bucket

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·       To list all hidden files in the bucket

o  gsutil ls -a gs://demo02-bucket

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·       After enabling version in gs://demo02-bucket, Try running the command

o  gsutil cp gs://demo01-bucket/* gs://demo02-bucket

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·       To list all the files in the bucket

o  gsutil ls -a gs://demo02-bucket

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                                                                          Happy Learning!
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