Benefits for Taking Our Courses ?
- Courses Conducted by Experienced Teachers
- Access Course from any place any time
- Quizes and Assignments to track progress of course
- Discussion Forums
- Auto notification on updates via emails
- Chat for Q & A
- Certificates and Badges on Completion
- Variety of Courses to Choose from

YES but you will only use the products with the involvement, supervision, and approval of a parent or legal guardian. Also children under the age of 14 may not register for an account or register or purchase courses without approval from parent or guardian
For Alma Mater the primary focus is the development of a student and a teacher, both teachers and students will be allowed to select each other before the course / class begins. We all know there are many factors that affect the growth of a student and that’s the reason we will have regular check on the development by way of feedback and intervention from all teachers, students & parents. Every course will have quiz, test, and assignment along with question & answer sessions between the teachers and students thus ensuring many factors are touched towards helping you.
There are different learning styles of each student and that’s the reason we have a mix of learning with a group or 1-1 and based on your learning style you can select the course or class and in case if we do not have something that you would like to have feel free to let us know and we will attempt to incorporate the same at the earliest.
We offer a variety of subjects, and we plan to introduce more and more courses as the need comes up. If you don’t find the course you are looking for feel if we do not have something that you would want to learn feel free to let us know and we will attempt to incorporate the same at the earliest.
The teachers we work with come from a variety of backgrounds, including former and current teachers, professionals from a wide variety of disciplines, and others who may have specific expertise in the subject area. The two things they all have in common is that they are experts in their respective academic subjects and they are passionate about helping student’s succeed.
Yes – Our criteria for selection of teachers or student is not based on if they can teach or learn in any particular language but how the learning or teaching happens comfortably. Thus most of the time select teachers are available in a variety of languages again feel free to tell us what is your preference and we shall attempt to get you one if we don’t have one.